Five Ways to Empower Women on a Daily Basis

A woman’s place throughout history has greatly evolved from the tea meeting that launched the women’s revolution in the 19th century, the sex revolution in the 1960s, and the feminism movement in the 1990s, to this day in age where it seems that women's empowerment movement that has re-surged in popularity; now more than ever the affinity of being or becoming empowered has gained momentum making gender equality a trending topic on every media outlet - but what does this really mean?

The dictionary defines empowerment as the authority or power given to someone to do something or the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights. In this case, specifically, it is the female population rising into action for the betterment and control of their own lives and rights as contributors to society. From Mary Quant popularizing mini skirts and hotpants to them being successful business owners, elected officials, activists, and leaders in change, women continue to make strides. Slowly but surely, progress has been made, and although these grand accomplishments are a testament to this, there are still improvements to be made. As a woman-centric company, we are always trying to find ways to close this gap and push the envelope to see our beautiful community thrive.

Here are five ways that will help you specifically empower women on a daily basis:

1. Boost self-esteem

Lift women up, don’t bring them down. Boosting self-esteem is a trait that can be developed at such an early age and can be done on a regular basis. A daily affirmation, praising other women for their accomplishments, complementing a job well done, or even taking time for themselves. It is through education, encouragement, and kindness, that we can build up the confidence to be better and succeed in empowering others.

2. Compliment their actions, not their attire

Recognizing their talent and not just their wardrobe or appearance can change the way a woman perceives not only themselves but also the world around them. It’s about acknowledging women and their achievements and encouraging them to continue succeeding in their journey.

3. See something, say something

Now more than ever, women are standing up for themselves and are taking action to be heard. Having the ability to see something that is not working and starting the conversation to implement change goes a long way. Hear out other women that are willing to share their stories, know your rights and keep your mind, ears, and disposition open and willing to learn.

4. Show your appreciation

It’s all about the small things. More often than not, positive gestures made by women are overlooked, take it upon yourself to express gratitude for even the small things, a sincere and heartfelt ‘thank you’ goes a long way and can make all the difference in a person's day.

5. Women for women (we are our own advocates)


One of the main ways for women to keep being empowered is by mentoring, having a guide or role model that will lavish them with knowledge and guidance through every stage of their life, whether it be professional or personal, having someone that relates and can share experiences makes going through the motions of womanhood, and all that entails a little more approachable.

Shop women-owned businesses

Go out of your way to support businesses that are owned or run by women. Purchase their products, share these women’s stories with your network, or show social support through word of mouth ; it's about spreading the word and helping out your fellow female entrepreneurs as they so often get shortchanged in the professional space. Help close that gap by advocating for women's businesses.

Support one another

Sisterhood is a fundamental pillar for empowerment, it started with 4 ladies having tea and sharing and acting on their discontent with the treatment of women and flourished into a community of women for women. A great way to support your tribe is by avoiding competition with other women, instead, try looking for commonalities or areas to improve on yourself and pass it forward. Through experiences, you can grow and help others do so as well.

Empowering women comes down to YOU, you making a conscientious decision to acknowledge, elevate, support, and create a positive impact that can be passed on to the sisterhood. The future is female, and the more we can support one another, the greater the positive impact we can create in ourselves and our own communities. As the great American cultural anthropologist ​​Margaret Mead so gallantly stated, “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Aspire to be the change, practice tolerance, be transparent and accountable for your actions, and create the change you would look to see in others.

**Sources: **

Mind Body Green. 30 Ways To Actually Empower Women

Women's Therapy Institute.

National Women’s History Alliance. History of the Women’s Rights Movement

Empowering women comes down to YOU, you making a conscientious decision to acknowledge, elevate, support, and create a positive impact that can be passed on to the sisterhood. The future is female, and the more we can support one another, the greater the positive impact we can create in ourselves and our own communities. As the great American cultural anthropologist ​​Margaret Mead so gallantly stated, “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Aspire to be the change, practice tolerance, be transparent and accountable for your actions, and create the change you would look to see in others.